Debt help and support

Do you need help  with debt? At Lowell, we really do put our customers first. We want to help open up the conversation about debt, because we know it can happen to anyone for all sorts of reasons. We understand that finding a way out of debt isn’t always easy, and talking about it can be tough.  

Since we’ve already explored various debt and financial topics, we wanted to highlight our different guides and tools which may be helpful to our customers and others who need debt assistance. In this debt help and advice hub, we’ll be covering the following:

Please note, this content is intended to be an impartial guide about debt help and advice and where to go to seek official expert guidance. Lowell Financial Ltd does not offer financial advice.

How to get debt help: what you can do

We know that many of our customers might need to get help with debts and are looking for ways that will help with getting out of debt. That’s why we’ve created a wide range of help and support guides and blogs covering everything from the debt collection process and managing your finances to exploring debt solutions and benefits.

Managing your finances and spending

If you’re finding it difficult to keep up with your debt repayments, learning how to start managing your finances can be one of the first ways to help clear your debt.

We know that it’s not always straightforward to figure out how to start managing your finances, but our budget calculator could help you to get started.

Access your outstanding debts

It’s also important to look at the types of outstanding debts you have, especially if you might be struggling with problem debt.

For instance, do you have any ‘priority debts’? These are the ones which could lead to more serious consequences if not dealt with as soon as possible, such as rent arrears, council tax debt, and energy debt.

Our guide to clearing and paying off debt includes more information on this along with other things to consider when reviewing your current debts.

Review your benefits eligibility

Wondering whether you might be missing out on benefits that could help boost your finances? Find out with our benefits calculator, powered by entitledto. It’s a quick and easy way to check if you’re receiving everything you could be claiming.

Explore different debt solutions

Various debt solutions are available to help you deal with your debt problems. These include:

  • Debt Management Plans (DMP)
  • Debt Relief Orders (DRO)
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)
  • Bankruptcy

Each solution works differently and might not always be right for you. That’s why it’s important to speak with an independent debt adviser to decide which debt solution may be the best option based on your personal circumstances.

For more information, we’ve got an in-depth guide on the different types of debt solution. Alternatively, there is the Debt Respite Scheme, also known as Breathing Space, although this isn’t a debt solution like the others listed above. You can find out more about how it works and other essential information in our statutory breathing space guide.

Learn more about the debt collection process

We know that the debt process might be both daunting and confusing, but our guide on the debt collection process and what to expect breaks down all of the different stages and how you can work together with Lowell.

Perhaps you didn’t realise you were in debt? Our guide on how to recognise if a debt’s yours explains when you’re still liable, what to do if you don’t think you’re liable, and why Lowell may be contacting you.

Apart from the debt process, we also appreciate that it can be tricky to remember all the different meanings of different financial terminology, so we decided to create our very own debt dictionary.

Prioritise your mental health

Here at Lowell, our customers are our top priority, and we understand that dealing with debt isn’t easy, and it can affect your mental health. This is why we’ve created a guide on debt and mental health to encourage a conversation about this, remove the stigma, and let those struggling know about the possible next steps.

If you’re going through a difficult time with your mental health, Samaritans and Mind are two charities who can give you the free support and guidance you need.

Where to find expert debt help and support

If you don’t feel comfortable reaching out to your creditor, the company you owe the debt to, and want to seek advice from elsewhere, then there are lots of organisations that can provide online debt help and support including:


The UK’s leading debt charity, StepChange provides expert debt and general money advice along with free debt management and support services to help those struggling with their debt.

StepChange can recommend the best solution or debt management service for your individual situation or circumstances and will create a personal action plan for you. If you’re working with StepChange, let us know so we can support you and work with you to agree on the best way forward with your debt.

National Debtline

National Debtline is a charity which provides free and confidential debt advice to people in the UK. You can call their debt support service on 0808 808 4000, webchat with their advisers or email them if you want advice about your situation.

They offer easy-to-understand fact sheets about everything to do with debt support, along with a library of sample letters that you can download. You can also use their free online advice tool, which will recommend any suitable debt solutions.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice is a network of charities that exist to help all citizens of the United Kingdom, whoever they are and whatever their problem.

They can offer information and advice on financial and legal issues and can put you in touch with the right people to help you with lots of issues. They offer confidential support online, over the phone and in person through local Citizens Advice centres.


MoneyHelper is an initiative provided by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) that offers free and impartial support when it comes to managing money such as benefits, money troubles, and savings. They can be contacted over the phone, by email, via webchat, and even through WhatsApp with specific details on their contact page.

Age UK

Age UK is a charity that helps older people and their carers. They offer advice on lots of subjects for free, including money management, benefits and pension advice.

If you’re an older person or if you care for an older person and you’re concerned about debt, Age UK might be able to support you with specialist advice and debt support. You can call their advice line 365 days a year if you need help or guidance.

Carers UK

Carers UK give expert information to anyone in the UK who is looking after someone else. They have information about financial support for unpaid carers, and also offer information guides on lots of other things that may be helpful if you care for someone, and you find that you are struggling. You can contact them by telephone and email for help and support.


Samaritans are a service who offer free support and advice to anyone who’s going through a difficult time. You can call the Samaritans for free at any time on 116 123 and speak to someone who’ll listen and understand without judging or telling you what to do.  


Mind is a mental health charity who can help you to find any support you need for mental health. If you’re having a hard time and you’re worried about debt, they can help you find the right support for your situation. Their website has lots of great resources and you can also call their Infoline to get information and help.

How to get debt help from Lowell

We want to support our customers on every step of their journey to becoming debt-free with Lowell. If you’ve got any concerns, don’t think your payment plan is working for you, or after discovering a solution, still find yourself thinking “I need debt help”, please get in touch with us and speak to our agents who are there to listen and be considerate of your circumstances.

Once you’ve reached out, we’ll be able to look at your plan together and see how we can move forward. If necessary, we can even help with finding other organisations and debt management companies who’ll be able to offer free and confidential advice.

If you’ve got a Lowell debt, you might also find our debt repayment calculator to be a helpful tool. as it can give you an idea of how soon you could clear your debt with us based on your payment plan. You can also access your account, view your current payment plan, and even make quick one-off payments through our easy-to-use online portal.

First published: 26th July, 2023

Last updated: 13th December, 2024